Thursday, November 8, 2007

More Wedding Pictures

Here at my Blogger site I can only upload a few pictures at a time, but I've managed to send 143 pictures to:

These are shots by Shawn's friend, Mr. Khrebiel and my brother Malcolm and his wife. They are not in any real order, and I don't have time to go through labelling them just now. Our Church has a special service coming up on November 18th, and I am speaking for the National Reform Association Friday the 16th of November. Then comes the Family get together on Nov. 24th. So, go check out the photos!

Sarah & Josh Luper Wedding, Reception and Aftermath

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Wonderful Wedding in Wichita

I'm the proud new father (in law) of a son, Joshua Caleb Luper, whom we adopted by way of marriage. In fact, by giving a daugther away, we gained a son.
Short of Time just now, so I'll try to append some wedding pictures. However, please take note of the following invitation:

The Fairmount Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 2535 Fairmount Church Road, Sewickley PA 15143, will be the location of a "Reception" for Sarah and Joshua Luper on Saturday, November 24th, 2007 at 4:00 PM. Food will be served. You may be getting an invitation by mail, but if not, please feel invited if you already know Sarah and/or Josh, or are old family friends, relatives, or just friends of Sarah. RSVP here, or to nataliecowley at comcast dot net.

Okay - some pictures!